Helping a Friend Experiencing Abuse
Research shows that 8 in 10 women will confide in a friend or family member when faced with gender-based violence.
Here’s how you can help if someone confides in you.
5 Tips to Keep in Mind when Lending your Support:
- Let your friend or family member know you’re concerned about her safety.
- Offer specific help. Arrange a time to talk, help her with child care, or offer her a ride to an appointment.
- Tell her about the YWCA’s 24 Hour Support & Crisis Line, office location and business hours.
- Continue to offer your support, regardless of what she decides to do next. (It takes an average of 6 to 8 attempts to leave an abusive relationship).
- Stay connected and let her know you’re always there for her.
Connect with us
We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide resources for women, as well as the people who love and support them.
Contact our 24 Hour Support & Crisis Line any time to learn more about what’s available and to discuss how you can refer a friend or family member to the YWCA.