a woman with long braided hair and a serious expression holds a cell phone
Home » 24 hour support line

Need Help Now? Call our 24 hour support line

Our primary focus is on safety: immediate protection from violence and abuse.

If the threat of danger is immediate:

Call 911 -Try to give the police your name, address and phone number. Provide as much additional information as circumstances allow.

Let them know if:

  • your life is in danger.
  • you are injured and will need an ambulance.
  • there are weapons being used and if so, what type.
  • there are drugs and/or alcohol involved.
  • there are children (or others) present in the home.
  • there is a history of violence.
  • there is a protection order, peace bond or restraining order in effect.

If you are concerned about the health of your relationship, or want to help someone you love, but the threat is not immediate:

YWCA 24 Hour Support & Crisis Line:

Call | 1-800-461-7656
Text | 705-991-0110

Sometimes we speak with women, and people in their lives who love and support them, who are simply wondering about their options.  Other times, we speak with women who urgently need the safety of our shelter and services.

If you need help, please contact us any time, day or night.