Family Court Support Program
We provide free, confidential court support to women who are making their way through Family Court and are living in, are leaving, or have left an abusive situation:
- safety planning to help keep you and your children safe
- an overview of the family court process
- assistance with applying for Legal Aid
- help finding a lawyer
- support with completing family court documents, including affidavits
- help preparing for lawyer appointments and court proceedings
- accompaniment to court
- information and referrals to other services
- Family Law support related to: Decision Making Responsibility, Parenting Time, Child and Spousal Support, Separation and Divorce, Child Welfare (CAS), Restraining Orders
Court Notice Finder
Court Notice Finder is an online resource for clients and workers, coordinated by volunteers.
Search all Ontario Family Law Court Notices by selecting the court, attendance and topic, at
More Information about Family Court Support
Please contact our administrative office at 705-743-3526 or